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Sublette USD 374


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Buckle Up

A new program to promote seatbelt usage for Haskell County teenagers.

In response to numerous vehicle wrecks in 2010 involving Haskell County students, the Haskell County Sheriff’s Office is starting a program to promote seatbelt usage with Haskell County teenagers.  To begin this program, I did a survey of seatbelt usage of Sublette High School students while sitting is school zones last week.  The day of the survey, I observed 62 SHS students, who I could see definitely were either wearing or not wearing their seatbelts,

and observed that 22 out of 62 SHS students were buckled up - or a total of 35.48% of our students wearing their seatbelts that day.  The best seatbelts usage was among those students who were driving, at 46%.  I observed that only 20% of students, in a car with another teenage driver, were wearing their seatbelts.  The most alarming number I observed was only 13% of students riding with an adult driver (mainly parents) were buckled up. 

The program we are implementing will reward those students who are observed wearing their seatbelts.  Students will receive a small prize from law enforcement on days designated for observation.   Those students’ names will then be entered

for a larger prize to be awarded at the end of the month.  All the students who receive a small prize will also have their names entered for a grand prize drawing at the end of the school year.  The prizes will be from area business participating in this program.

I would like to encourage everyone reading this to take the time to buckle up.  I would also like to make a special request that all parents start talking to your kids about wearing their seatbelts.  

Statistics don’t lie